

Synchronised display of questions, answers and scores for a live quiz.


Quiz Features

Install: On Laptop

Install: On Raspberry Pi

Install: Online Server

Quiz Setup


View the Docker Repository hub.docker.com

View the Project on GitHub inchworks/quizinch


Configuration parameters may be specified in this file, or as environment variables. Settings here will be overridden by environment variables in docker-compose.yml. This an example configuration file with just the essential settings for an online website.

# Example configuration for online QuizInch server.
#  - Edit and rename to configuration.yml
#  - Take care to keep indentation unchanged when editing. Do not use tabs.

# Enables online server operation and remote competitors.
 - online
 - remote

# This should match the one specified for MYSQL_PASSWORD in docker-compose.yml.
db-password: <server password>

# The following is needed for certificate registration with Let's Encrypt
  - our-domain.com
  - www.our-domain.com

# Address to be notified of problems with certificates
certificate-email: you@example.com

# Administrator, to be added to the database
admin-name: admin@example.com
admin-password: <your-password>

Set the following items as needed. Default values are as shown.


A database connection is requested with DSN db-user:db-password@db-source?parseTime=true . A MariaDB or MySQL database is required.

db-source tcp(quiz_db:3306)/quizinch

db-user server

db-password <server-password>


domains List of domains for which Let’s Encrypt certificates will be requested on first access.

This is intended for testing and is not recommended for production.

certificate-email Address given to Let’s Encrypt, for notification of problems with certificates.


Specifies the username and password for a QuizInch administrator if the username does not exist in the database. These items may be removed after setup if desired.

admin-name E.g. me@mydomain.com.

admin-password <your-password>

Maximum image sizes

Photos uploaded are resized to fit these dimensions.

image-width 1600 stored image width

image-height 1200 stored image height

thumbnail-width 278 thumbnail width

thumbnail-height 208 thumbnail height

max-upload 512 maximum image or video upload, in megabytes

Operational settings

max-upload-age 1h time limit to save a round update, after uploading images. Units m(inutes) or h(ours).

monitor-interval 5000 monitor display update (mS)

slide-items 10 default maximum items per slide

thumbnail-refresh 1h refresh interval for topic thumbnails. Units m(inutes) or h(ours).

usage-anon 1 anonymisation of user IDs: 0 = daily, 1 = immediate.

Website variants

Settings to change the operation of the website.

options ` `

home-switch switches the home page to a specified template, for example, disabled to show disabled.page.tmpl when the website is offline.

misc-name misc path in URL for miscellaneous files, as in example.com/misc/file

audio-types .mp3,.aac,.flac,.m4a acceptable audio file types

video-snapshot 3s time within video for snapshot thumbnail. Units s(econds), -ve for no snapshots.

video-types .mp4,.mov acceptable video file types

For testing

test-self false Set “true” to disable online security features that prevent self testing. (The actual tests are run using go test.)