

Synchronised display of questions, answers and scores for a live quiz.


Quiz Features

Install: On Laptop

Install: On Raspberry Pi

Install: Online Server

Quiz Setup


View the Docker Repository hub.docker.com

View the Project on GitHub inchworks/quizinch

Quiz setup

The system holds settings for a single quiz. Specify:


All that is needed for each team is a name. There is no fixed limit on the number of teams, but the scores slides may be less readable with more than 16 teams.


Each round has an order number, a title and optional format. Change the order numbers to re-order rounds after they have been set up.

Round formats modify the appearance of a round. Separate multiple formats by “|”. E.g. “Q3|A3|I”.

Code Format
Qn Limit the number of (Q)uestions per slide. E.g. “Q3” for 3 questions per slide, for long questions.
An Limit the number of (A)nswers per slide. E.g. “A3” for 3 answers per slide, when questions have long answers.
Cn (C)ombined questions and answers on a single page. Typically used for “sudden death” rounds. E.g. “C3”.
E Show (E)nd of quiz slide after round scores.
I Show (I)nterval slide after round scores.



A round has a number of questions, each with an order number, question text, answer text and an optional media file.

Change the order numbers to re-order questions after they have been set up.

A question may include a picture, a sound clip, or a video clip for the media. Usually questions of one type would be grouped together into a picture round, a music round, etc. However this is not required.

Changes during the quiz

You should not make changes during the quiz. However some changes can be made without the quiz restarting: