

Synchronised display of questions, answers and scores for a live quiz.


Quiz Features

Install: On Laptop

Install: On Raspberry Pi

Install: Online Server

Quiz Setup


View the Docker Repository hub.docker.com

View the Project on GitHub inchworks/quizinch

# Step 5: Make the Raspberry Pi into a quiz appliance

QuizInch supplies the files needed to dedicate a Raspberry Pi as an appliance. That is:

Appliance operation requires some packages that are not pre-installed on Raspberry Pi OS: sudo apt update and sudo apt install dialog dnsmasq hostapd unclutter.

Because the appliance files change the configuration of the RPi, you must copy them to the appropriate locations yourself, optionally by running a script supplied by QuizInch: sh /srv/quizinch/setup/appliance.sh. Or if you prefer, use the supplied files as an example for your own setup.

If you are using the appliance to host a WiFi network, edit the file /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf to change wpa_passphrase to a WiFi password of your own. You might also set ssid and change channel. One way to edit the file is sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

If you plan to use an external WiFi access point, you could pre-set access when you install Raspberry Pi OS. In this case you will need to use an ethernet connection when you install the quiz system. Or you could use one WiFi network for installation and switch WiFi using raspi-config when you deploy the system. Note that, in either case, the settings for hosted WiFi and external WiFi are stored separately.

A User Instructions document is supplied for use with the quiz appliance. You should make these changes to the document:

(You could still use the RPi for other purposes by swapping the Micro SD card for another card with a different copy of RPi OS installed.)